
10 Step Verification Process

The Green Built Texas home registration process is designed to be simple and efficient. The program’s combination of rigorous third party verification and cost effective registration fees (only $40 per home) make it a viable program for all builders.

These ten steps must be followed in order for a home to be recognized by the program. In order to become a GBT Verifier an eligible company MUST sign a Verifier Agreement with the Dallas Builders Association.

  1. Join the Dallas Builders Association
  2. Hire a Green Built Texas Verifier and sign Builder Agreement
  3. Receive Registry Login Information from the Dallas BA
  4. Begin Project
  5. Complete initial inspection at pre-drywall stage
  6. Verifier submits project information for listing in “Under Construction” category of Home Registry
  7. Finish Project
  8. Complete final inspection
  9. Verifier moves project information into “Completed Homes” category of Home Registry
  10. Print Registered Home Certificate from your registry account

Find a Verifier

These companies are registered with and actively verifying Green Built Texas Homes:

Blink Energy Services
404 Woodland Ct.
Hurst, TX 76053
Phone: 469.240.2399

Burgess Construction Consultants
1255 W. 15th Street, Suite 900
Plano, Texas 75075
Phone: 888.644.6489

Fox Energy Specialists
3301 West Fwy
Fort Worth, Texas 76107
Phone: 817.546.0160

US-Eco Logic TexEnergy Solutions
911 Maryland Drive
Irving, TX 75061
Phone: 972.579.2009